Keep Trying, Be Strong and Don’t Quit…

Do you feel frustrated, confused, impatient, discouraged? You feel you’re not there yet, so close yet far from your dreams??? Hang in there and keep trying. Believe in yourself that someday, somehow you’ll get there. The only thing that makes you stronger is your faith. Don’t rush it,  just keep pushing hard and  take it one step at a time. Trying to achieve your goal is like learning how to walk. There are uncertainties especially knowing that you will fall. Yet you know that if you don’t walk you will have to crawl forever.

The direction you’re going may not look smooth or straight, but if you take it step by step, believe me you’ll get to your destination and everything you’ve always wished for will be yours. Life always seems to present us with innumerable challenges and problems on a daily basis. It throws us to the left direction when we were expecting the right direction; it gives us biscuits when we desire chocolates; it even presents us with clearly awful surprises that we weren’t expecting, and it bloats us with unresourceful emotions that tend to tie us down to a life of inferiority and unhappiness.

No matter where you come from, your age, your race or religion, it is important to have a greater power,  something bigger than yourself that you can fall back on. To you it can be God, something you believe in, karma and so on. For me, it is just God for without him I am nothing.

If you don’t work towards what you want you won’t get it. Remember this, “the only thing that limits you is your brain”. If you try and you fail, don’t be sad just stay strong and believe in yourself. Each day I try to meditate and get connected with my inner self trying to find the good vibes and stay positive.Life is a journey of self-discovery, it’s a never ending journey that has many unexpected turns, twist and surprises.

You have to keep trying until you achieve it and if it’s meant to be, it will be. I can remember when I was trying to learn how to sketch the human body (laughing). If you see the way I always draw the human head ehn; it had the shape of an egg. My sketches were awful mehn. I can’t count how many times I failed trying but still I continued. I went ahead to meet a friend to assist me, she did and I kept on practicing. Now I’m good at it but not perfect. I’m telling you today that if you make mistakes that doesn’t mean you should quit or admit defeat. Go back to that thing and make sure you do it again, again and again until you get it.  Remember, nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes. You need to have that strong desire to succeed. People who never give up are always determined to succeed, they have found ways to keep themselves motivated whenever they feel they want to give up. Even if you’re mocked, don’t be discouraged. People will mock you and say all sort of things but don’t let it get to your head. It’s painful yes!!! But try to put it aside and focus on what you want to achieve.

You shouldn’t think of quitting just like that because there are a multitude of other people who are constantly watching and observing you. People are watching you, they want to see you succeed in your field, they want to see you achieving your goals and objectives. So you quitting isn’t a good idea.
Just remember that life has a funny way of working things out when you start to believe it never will.
Life can be difficult at times, but you fighting through the pain is so worth it. I know sometimes you feel like nothing is working out for you. I want you to know that you feeling the emotion is better than you not feeling anything at all. Just keep calm, keep trying and everything is going to work out for your good.

“No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless you give it to them”- Maeve Greyson  

With love,
                      Lorraine Mai 🖤

38 thoughts on “Keep Trying, Be Strong and Don’t Quit…

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  1. Lovely daughter,my Queen,this piece is superb. Keep it up,the Lord will guide & direct ur steps to the peak of your aim & inspiration. Kr


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